My Favorite Things

May 14, 2013

  1. Everly's smile, especially first thing in the morning
  2. Holding Aaron's hand
  3. Taking pictures
  4. Nail polish
  5. Chocolate covered pomegranates 
  6. Books
  7. iPhone
  8. Adventures
  9. Afternoon naps
  10. My friends
I was going to say more. Maybe expand upon things a bit. But I can't focus on anything right now. My husband just called to inform me that we're leaving Japan in less than a month. I have so many things to do before we leave. I feel so overwhelmed and a little bit like I want to scream. So instead of writing beautiful words about the thing that make me happy I'm going to take a deep breath and dance around the room with my baby, forgetting my troubles if only for a few minutes. And then I'm going to get to work packing my house, organizing my life, and planning our next adventures. Sometimes life takes you for a ride and you just have to hold on tight and go with it!

xo Sue


  1. Wow, a shock for you then. You will be busy. I've never heard of chocolate covered pomegranates. Are they just the whole thing covered in chocolate?

  2. You've got some busy times ahead of you, where are you heading and is it because of your husband's job?
    Favorite Things

    1. We're off to Utah, my husband is going back to school and we're going to spend some time with my family.

  3. Holy crap, I almost did a spit take when I saw the chocolate covered poms. I believe I need one right now!

  4. The first one was very cute. And good luck with the moving, it's going to be a busy month for you!


  5. Nail polish is my favorite thing, I can't believe how much I own though, close to 300 bottles :| I'm going to need to get another full rack made to hold them all! Nice to *meet* you!

  6. What is it about those morning smiles? They are the BEST!
    I don't know what I'd do without my iPhone! Probably find somewhere else to waste my time, but I love it!
    Are you coming to the US?!

  7. i love your list. are you talking about the brookeside chocolate covered pom's?
    Oh wow! one month to go! I am curious where you guys will be moving to!?

    take your time and breathe for sure :) it'll all come together. love ya!

    1. YES! Those are the best treats ever. We're moving to Utah to be close to my family and Aaron is going back to school. We're really excited!

  8. Wahoo Utah!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!!

    1. ME TOO! Now you have to come back for a *visit*!

  9. Dancing around the room sounds like a lot of fun :)

    Moving countries is so hard, and packing is such a big task. good luck.


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