A Little Letter

May 27, 2013

Dear Wonderful Readers (especially my mama),

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my silly words. I love that I'm able to use my blog as a way to connect with each of you. I cherish my readers and love every one of you! I started blogging 6 years ago and 3 1/2 years ago in this particular space. I look back over it all and just laugh at some of the funny things I've written. But it's all been real and it's all been me. I can truly say that I am myself here and I'm pretty proud of that. I love that I've made real friends through blogging. Who knew that was going to happen? But it has, and I'm so grateful for those awesome friendships. I love you, fabulous readers, and I'm thrilled that you're all here for this journey of life with me. Thank you!
xo Sue

ps I was a little sad that yesterday's writing prompt and my subsequent post, 30 is not the new 20, were set for a Sunday. If there's something this month that I've shared on the blog that I think is really worth reading (or watching) is the video I posted. Just sayin.


  1. Hope things continue well for you in your blogging and writing as our challenge comes close to ending.
    Letter May Challenge

  2. Your kind words just guilted me into going to watch the video. So glad I found you through this challenge!

  3. So glad I discovered your blog through the challenge! I'm going to watch your video from Sunday at lunch today. I've felt that way a couple times during the challenge... disappointed that a particular topic or post ended up on a day when I don't have many visitors. You're smart to promote it with this post! Hope you had a lovely weekend!

    Sarah @ Life As Always


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