A Day at Home.

Mar 9, 2012

Well, today was lovely. Aaron was home and we didn't leave the house all day. Most of the time that would make me very restless but since I had my hubby around it was wonderful. We played games, we ate junk food (and a little healthy food), we watched movies, we played with Twink, and we snuggled on the couch. It was a simple day and I loved it. When we first got married Aaron was living in Japan and I was living back in Utah so we never got to just hang out. Now easy, simple days are a treasure to me. You can't have those if you don't live with your husband. Of course, now Aaron is asleep because he has to wake up early and go back to work and I'm wide awake but those are details that hardly matter. I only managed one picture though. I'm going to have to work on that.

Now, what I'm about to tell you had been a (very small) source of contention for Aaron and me: I don't understand his fascination with YouTube. I know what it is. I love that my family and I can share videos through it. But I do not understand how Aaron can play on it for hours watching video after video (and thinking they're all "so funny" or "so cool" when they are not). So I don't really watch videos online. But I got around to watching the music video for Ours by Taylor Swift today. I wasn't sure how I felt about the song, the first time I heard it I didn't really hear anything new or different in it. It still kind of feels that way. But the story in the music video made my heart happy. I know this exact feeling and I know I'm not the only one! So if you have a minute, watch it. I promise, it will make your heart happy too!

And last but definitely not least, I've been featured on another of my favorite blogs. I know I have a lot of favorites but I read a lot of blogs and I'm pretty sure there's no rule on how many you can love. Salena @ A Little Piece of Me did a Q&A with her sponsors this month so if you want to get to know me a little better go read it here. And definitely say hello to Salena while you're there! She is a fantastic woman and I've loved getting to know her. Plus she makes pretty headbands (I would know, I won one in a giveaway!) and she hosts fun giveaways (I'm sponsoring one for her at the end of the month and it's a can't miss) so there's always something exciting going on at her blog. I promise I didn't know I was being featured on three different blogs this week but I feel honored and lucky to have these ladies as friends!


  1. I had this song on my blog last week. I really love it!

  2. Okay, that music video was adorable : ) I do find it funny that Taylor Swift is pretending to be an average Joe office worker ; ) Sounds like fun times with your hubby! I love simple days like that, as long as we're together!



  3. Those are some of the best days ever. They are our kind of days too hehe.

    I love Taylor Swift hehe. Her songs always have a really good story to tell.

  4. Gah! That video makes me cry too! You keep posting videos that make me cry. haha I so agree with you, lazy days at home as so nice and should be treasured. That sounds lovely.

  5. this picture is so adorable - I found myself smiling while looking at it;-)

  6. Ah simple days are the best. Glad y'all had some fun time to yourselves! :)

  7. Your dog is absolutely adorable! (As is your blog too) made for a nice read :)

  8. Your day of relaxing at home sounds fantastic! Especially the snuggling and eating junk food. :)

  9. i love that music video. gives me butterflies every time.

    I'd like our blog too! I would love if you could come check out mine, and maybe we could follow each other?


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