A Letter to Everly On Her First Birthday

Feb 20, 2014

Dear Everly,

I'm struggling deeply to find the words to say to you today. You are one year old. One year ago I kissed you for the first time. I held your tiny hand in mine while I breastfed and held you close. I saw your perfect eyes staring straight into mine and all I could think was "I know you." I still remember that feeling, that moment of knowing you. Oh Everly, you are perfection. You are so big and brave and beautiful. You are my little adventurer and you are fearless. You fall down a thousand times and stand right back up each and every time. You have so much to teach me about life, you show me this every single day.

There are moments of my day that I wish I could freeze and keep forever. The days with you are an absolute joy. Although I never pictured myself as a mother (and definitely not one who stayed home with her baby) I cannot imagine my life otherwise. You teach me each day what being a mother really is. Even at this moment you're sitting in my lap, snuggled up exhausted and refusing to go to sleep, and I adore it. You are my daughter, my heart, my greatest joy.

Sometimes I am completely overwhelmed with my life as your mother. You are such an incredible little person and I am nothing in comparison. You are so determined, so smart, so beautiful. Sometimes I don't know what I could possibly have to offer you. But I always do my best because you are amazing and worth every second of fear and worry. You are worth every second of beauty and joy. My favorite moments are when you smile your perfect toothy smile at me. And when you give me baby kisses.

My sweet little Ever, you make me believe in magic. Because there is nothing in this world more incredible than you. Happy First Birthday my love.

Love Always,


  1. awe, how sweet! She's such a cutie!

  2. Tears! So. Many. Tears. How did a year go by so fast? I just can't even handle it. Happy (belated) birthday, Everly!

    1. Me too- it was hard to write this! I can't BELIEVE it's been a year.


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