
Aug 19, 2013

"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed." - Linda Wooten

Thing on my mind: Everly has suddenly lost her baby-ness and gained some toddler-ness. She sits, pulls herself up, stands (with something to hold), scoots, rolls, and practices her crawling stance. And I feel suddenly unprepared to be a mother to a scooter/crawler/toddler. I thought I had more time.

Favorite food: Grilled chicken. Since Aaron and I are doing 30 days sugar/flour free there aren't many things I can eat right now but man, grilled chicken is just yummy.

Project: Reading books to prep for my doula conference next month. So exciting!

Books I'm reading: Inferno, The Cuckoo's Calling, and The Birth Partner.

Favorite moment: Watching Ever practice her crawl stance. She sits on hands and knees and rocks back and forth and it's amazing.

Songs on repeat: Sail (I don't know why...) and Pop Song (listen to it- hysterical and true).

Show I can't get enough of: How I Met Your Mother. I love everything about this show except the premise that he's telling these stories to his kids. That part creeps me out just a little bit. If I forget about that part though it's a great show.

Favorite activity: Rocking my baby to sleep at night. It's become such a special time for the two of us and I love that she trusts her mama to hold and love her while she drifts off into dreamland.

Daily revelation: I don't deserve this beautiful life but I'm grateful for every minute.

Favorite pictures:

xo Sue


  1. Oh my goodness, Everly is the cutest thing! I really want to try sugar and flour-free. Any good recipes?

  2. funny there is a SAIL video that someone made on youtube that ppl think look like me =) I watched it. it kinda does. haha. love that song though.

  3. I seriously love current posts. They're concise, to the point, and just gets it all out there. Perfect for busy mamas! I just finished Inferno and liked it!


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