Funny Things

May 6, 2014

Funny things... 

Aaron said to me today... You smell pretty. Did you shower today? I started laughing and still haven't stopped. That man knows how to make me giggle. Even when he's not meaning to.

Everly wore a dress today and tried to find her belly button. It was hilarious. 

When Aaron doesn't have a shirt on Everly always points to his nipples curiously and he responds with "I know baby, I don't know why men have them either."
And this lady. She's my everything.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! She gets compliments on them everywhere she goes. :)

  2. She is adorable! Is that an amber teething necklace? Does it work? We're in the battle of teething right now. I'm losing... Big time. No sleep for anyone in this house.

    I love the shower comment lol.

    1. YES and it works so well! Amber is a natural analgesic so it's perfect for tiny teeth. I wear one for back pain too and it helps me so much. I recommend them to all my friends and always get a shocked phone call from them when their babies are so much happier after getting one!

  3. Bahahaha Aaron's response to nipples. That is hilarious. She is so stinking cute Sue!

    1. I KNOW! It's funny because I never thought about that but she's used to seeing mine! And really- why do men need them??

  4. Thanks for the laugh!
    I always ask Davin why he has nipples too. It's just weird, right?

    1. hahaha yes it is! I don't understand what the point is!


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