She Speaks, Sort Of

Mar 12, 2014

My sweet little blog has sat dormant for a week. And what a crazy week it has been. I've been SO busy that I haven't had five minutes to sit down and write. But I haven't been worried about it and that's a great feeling. I write when I want to. Hooray

Everly has been surprising me almost daily with the words she's *trying* to say. She's said Daddy for a while now (I'm not jealous or anything...) but now she's adding others into the mix. She likes to pick up her toys (any toy, she's not picky), put them to her ear, and say Hi. Then she repeats about six times until I say hi back. Then she grins at her communication skills. Hi is all she really needs, isn't it? She also spent an hour one day saying Chocolate and now refuses to say it for anyone but me. I think Aaron thinks I'm making it up but I'm not! She says Papa for grandpa and actually says Muah every time she gives a kiss. She (sometimes) says Up when she wants to be held but just as often uses whining to accomplish the same thing. At least three times a day I'll say a word and she'll try to mimic it. It's so fun to watch her try new words out on her tongue. She rolls them around and plays with them. She also babbles almost non-stop. Lizzie seems to understand her but the rest of us are left clueless. I like to talk to her all the time, narrating what I'm doing and asking her questions. One day Everly is going to understand me and I won't even realize it right away because I've been talking to her all along. I'm looking forward to that day. I think it will be a fun one.

As for me, I've been BUSY. Besides chasing after a sweet little lady 24/7 (yes, sometimes in her sleep- she moves a lot!) I've been expanding my business and enriching my life in so many ways. Everly and I went to California for a week so I could be at a Sacred Pregnancy Retreat. It was magic in a way that I cannot describe. It was such a beautiful experience and I am forever changed by it! The best part is now I'm certified to teach Sacred Pregnancy classes myself. I cannot wait for my first one. I also spent three days last week at a doula conference. It is so fun to connect and visit with other local doulas. It's such a unique profession (I support women while they push babies out of their bodies, what do you do?) that most people don't understand my absolute love for all things pregnancy, birth, and babies. Every time I'm surrounded by other birth lovers I feel my soul revitalized. I'm currently running three online courses (and they're intense!) for Sacred Pregnancy. I love running the courses and meeting all the women who love SP so much. It's a privilege and a blessing to work with this amazing group. And last (but def not least!) I met with three new clients this week (!!!) and had a great time with all of them.

That old saying, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life," it's SO true. I am constantly busy, playing with my growing lady, building the next site, updating the next class, attending the next birth, and I enjoy every moment. 

I love doing what I love. 

xo Sue


  1. Does she have green eyes? Gorgeous lady! Julia basically babbles "mama" and "bella" (our dog) all the time. I'm anxious for her to start saying more words.

    1. Everly just started her word use literally a week ago. Before that it was just mama, daddy, and uh-oh!


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