
Jan 23, 2012

I've been tagged by Daneilia & I think this one is cute so I'm going to go for it. I'm all about breaking rules though, so forgive me if I don't do it exactly right. You're supposed to post 11 fun things about you, answer 11 questions you've been tagged with, ask 11 questions of your own and tag 11 other people.

So here are some {fun} things about me.
  1. I love my husband. This might be kind of an obvious one but it's also the most important thing to me.
  2. My favorite drink is diet cherry coke.
  3. My puppy Twink is adorable and I talk about him too much.
  4. I love books. I have hundreds of them. And a nook. And a kindle. I read every single day.
  5. I collect Monster High dolls.
  6. I'm a big Harry Potter fan. That might be an understatement.
  7. I worry too much.
  8. I love sparkly things and getting all dressed up.
  9. I'm quite short but between high heels and good posture people don't really notice.
  10. I'm not big on movies but I love TV shows. They tell a much better story. Historical dramas are my favorite. They are fantastic.
  11. I love sending and receiving mail. I don't live anywhere near my family and it's my way of showing I care.
  12. I don't like odd numbers. But I do like to cook.
Daneilia's questions to answer.
  1. Where do you want to retire? Somewhere WARM. And pretty.
  2. What is your must have drink or meal or both? Cafe Rio. And I can't have it here in Japan. Boo. I suppose in Japan it's Ramen.
  3. What is your word for the year? I have three. Hope. Joy. Love.
  4. What is one major goal you want to accomplish in your life? Graduate with my bachelor's degree. And I'm working on it!
  5. What is your favorite song or movie? When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne
  6. What is your favorite blog post you've done? A wordless one. The pictures say it all.
  7. What are you most proud of? I am proud of myself for becoming the person that I am today. I've gone down roads that I thought were impossible, only to discover (my favorite of quotes) you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
  8. Who is one person you admire the most? My mother. She is a beautiful, strong, wonderful woman.
  9. If you could support any one charity with any type of means what charity would you choose? American Widow Project
  10. What is your ethnicity? As pale and pasty white as they come.
  11. If you could have any job, what would it be? I want to be a writer for reals and not just on my blog. Don't worry, I'm working on that one too.
Now I know I'm supposed to pick people to pass this on to and give them questions too but I'll be honest about it... I've had this monster headache (going on 4 days now) that refuses to leave my brain. It took me almost an hour just to write these few lines and I'm sorry but I don't have it in me to think up new questions or new people. So to my darling friends, please answer the same questions I answered, they really are good questions. And I'm tagging anyone who wants to play because I need to go rest my head a bit. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I love your "fun things about you". I believe its because I can relate on just about everyone of them ;)

    Way to go on working on your degree. It takes so much discipline and hard work to get it. I'm glad I got through mine and although moments were rough during school and that there are no good paying jobs for those with college degrees it'll so be worth it when the economy gets back to normal.

    Anyways, before I go on and on. I just love all your answers ;)


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