Why I Sometimes Post Breastfeeding Photos

Jul 28, 2014

When I was pregnant the idea of breastfeeding was SO strange to me. The world tells me that my breasts are sexual objects and they should stay that way. Intentional or not, that's the message that young girls receive. Still, I knew all the amazing benefits that accompany breastfeeding, how good it is for your baby, and the cost comparison pretty much had me sold. I knew that I was going to attempt to form a breastfeeding relationship with my daughter. 

We were lucky. She had a great latch even in the beginning and although it took weeks for my nipples to become desensitized and callused enough to nurse without pain, Everly did amazing. As I watched my body nourish my baby I was in awe. What an amazing gift that women have to be able to feed their children with their bodies. Everly was even nursed once by a good friend when I couldn't be there to do it for her. Everly continued to grow and soon I had a fat little baby that loved her mama milk and nursing. 

At about 6 months I started to get that question. You know the one, "When are you going to stop breastfeeding her?" It bothered me. Why were people expecting me to stop feeding my child? Why did they think this beautiful relationship needed to end? I was committed to making it past 12 months. One full year of mama milk. But I was also committed to breastfeeding my daughter as long as she thought we should. That became my answer. When she tells me she's ready to stop. I don't care if you breast or bottle feed your baby. I don't care if you use a cover when breastfeeding or if you do it out in the open. I do care that you feed your child and I trust each mother out there to make the best decision for herself and her baby. I do care that mom and baby are both comfortable when baby is eating. I do care that women's rights aren't violated (which happens far too often).

The reason I like to share pictures occasionally... well there are a few reasons. The first is, my breasts are not sexual objects. They were MADE to feed Everly. That is literally their purpose. They were made for her and I am proud that I'm able to use them that way. I also share pictures so other women know that it's okay to be a little more open about breastfeeding. It's a perfectly natural, normal thing. Every time I breastfeed in public I get a few strange looks. That doesn't stop me. I will always put my daughters needs first and if she needs to eat I feed her. I share pictures because I'm proud of us. Really, I'm proud of Everly. She does all the hard work and she grows beautifully because of it. But mostly I share pictures because breastfeeding is amazing. 

I treasure my breastfeeding relationship with Everly. It has been nothing but magical. I've had some aches, some pains, some sleepless nights because my sick baby only wanted to breastfeed. There are times I realize life would be so much easier if she wasn't quite so dependent on me. And yet we've found a way to always make it work. We've found a way to keep going. I hope she wants to breastfeed for many months to come but I also know that when she decides she's done it will be okay. It will be gone before I'm ready and I know I'll miss it when she's finished. Until then I'm going to soak up every lovely moment of this part of our lives. 

xo Sue

PS. Read more thoughts on breast & bottle feeding babies.


  1. Go you!! I loved this post, I think every woman should be able to feed their babies whenever and wherever they want to. Whether it's breast or bottle, we're all just doing what we feel is best for our little ones in our given situations! So encouraging for new mama's and first time breast feeders! xo

    1. Thank you! I agree, FEED ALL THE BABIES! :)

  2. It's one of the most natural acts and I do think in this modern world people can be a bit backwards on this subject. As long as mother and baby are happy with the feeding choice that is all that matters. It's a beautiful thing to share.

    1. I definitely agree. It's hard when society passes judgement so easily but slowly it's becoming more acceptable.

  3. Great post and great to read a positive story of breastfeeding success, despite the challenges!

  4. I love this post. More power to you mama. I am in the minority in that I keep our breasfeeding pictures to myself and husband. I'm proud of us but at the same time... I use a cover and the likes. But like you.. we all need to feed our babes. As long as we are doing that... I'm happy for you and everyone else and don't mind what you do! LOL.

    1. I covered Everly twice. Once when she was 3 days old and had no idea and once when she was 6 weeks old and she TORE that thing off and screamed! I flashed my fair share of airmen in the food court that day... And I decided a cover wasn't for me. I can be much more discreet without it. I love that you do it the way that works for you though! Any way you do it is amazing.

  5. You make it look so beautiful and natural. (As it should, but sometimes doesn't),
    I am due with my first in October, and am absolutely over the moon excited to breastfeed.
    I expect it to be a glorious challenge - as I'm finding most things about child making are.

    1. Thank you! It's the most amazing relationship I've ever felt and I am so grateful for the gift that she gives me by nursing. Good luck with your breastfeeding adventures! It's hard but SO worth it.

  6. Beautiful article. So much love and non-judgement. Milk is amazing <3


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