A Magical Month

Mar 20, 2013

This has been the most challenging, incredible, beautiful month of my life. Everly is growing and changing every day. It is such a blessing to be the mom to this little angel.

  • Grandma left last night after spending a month with us. It was so much fun to have her with us and Everly definitely misses her. So do I.
  • Everly is sleeping 4-5 hours at night now which is so nice for me. She also takes great naps and sometimes I even take them with her. We've been bed sharing and we all love it. 
  • She's a pro at eating and growing. I'm not sure what her weight is now but last time she was weighed she was up almost a pound from her birth weight. 
  • She loves to sit up, look around, and practice holding her head up on her own. She started holding her head up two weeks ago and now she can do it so well. 
  • Everly's favorite time of day is when daddy comes home from work. He washes his hands, picks her up, and plays with her until she wants dinner. She loves looking at faces and her daddy's is one of her favorites. She also loves to make noise at him gets excited when he makes noise back.
  • A few days ago Everly started smiling real smiles and she smiles the most when her daddy is playing with her. I love to watch the two of them together. It's my favorite part of the day.

My dear, sweet Everly. You are an absolute joy. I count you as my biggest blessing every single day.
xo Sue

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